A ‘sarnie’ is an English nickname for sandwich, made familiar to the rest of the sandwich-eating world by Jamie Oliver. The British chef is revered for throwing together high quality produce to create simple and delicious meals, such as the sandwich: a meal synonymous with easy eating. This concept of quality and easy dining has driven the aesthetic of Sarnies.
It is a concept that started as an urban interpretation of the picnic in the park. The initial design elements included a long park bench and a park-scape mural to set the scene. As the graphic designers were introduced and different directions explored, a Victorian deli-style theme became the second driving force behind the visual concept. The interior space and mural design were developed simultaneously to arrive at a juxtaposition of modern plastic-like materials, such as rubber flooring, Marblo counters, polypropylene stools and chairs against ornate images of teacups and rocking chairs.
These unlikely associations are made viable within the space through utilising the abstract nature of the mural, offset with the traditional architectural element of the timber park bench, thus creating the urban picnic experience. The picnic-deli-style has filtered into the signage and the packaging creating an entire branding that has become the ‘Sarnies’ identity.
Project Team : Grant Amon, Beth Courtney
Graphics: Ortolan
Builder: Leeda Developments
Photos: Trevor Mein